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Showing posts with the label uranus vedic horoscope

Indian Independence - Birth of Chart

Indian Indenpendence - Birth Chart We need to have the birth data of that country, to make one forecast of differents social and economic events. The Indian Independence day was the 15th of August 1947 (12:00 midnight).   The analysis, interpretations and forecast, I make about India, they are based on the horoscope of the birth of the Republic on August 15, 1947, at 00:00 hours in New Delhi.   The Partition of British India on 14/15 August 1947 led to the creation of two sovereign states, both dominions: Pakistan (which later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and India (later the Republic of India).  I share with you, the Birth Chart obtained through the web portal astrodienst , calculated under the tropical zodiac (Sayan System) and the house system (Placidus) popularly used by western astrologers and I share the Birth Chart calculated under the sidereal zodiac (Niryan System), with the house system (Whole Si...

Uranus in the Vedic Horoscope of Narendra Modi

I analyzed the tropical horoscope of Modi in a last note ( India, Narendra Modi, Suddeness Growth and Transpersonal Planets ) ... but let's see how this was adjusted to your Vedic horoscope... We can observe, to Uranus, who is responsible for this accelerated growth in this new age, Vedic Astrology Softwares already includes it... Uranus preserve his position in 8th House and Jupiter in the 4th House, for 2002, while Shri Modi was minister of Gujarat, the transit of Uranus activates Jupiter Natal by the Conjunction and the Transit of Jupiter activates Uranus by Conjunction too. Uranus governs matters related to surprising and unexpected, and Jupiter is the planet that governs growth, so Modi, with the energy of both planets and practicing an international policy based on technological (Uranus) growth (Jupiter)  "Digital India", the 8th House, giving a controversial political image, has gained popularity... It is possible that its criticized manage...

Uranus ... Cosmic Figures

} We believe that we take our own decisions, when the reality is that, we are attracted by a upper force that moves us from side to other... New century arrived and it already had winds of "change"; there was speak of the New Age, making reference to the ingress of the Zodiac Age of Aquarius and not to the Yugas as are considered in India . Aquarius came to take out everything that was hidden in the Pisces Age; while we were guardians of knowledge and considered the body as the temple of God in the Pisces Age, we have to churn the oceans in the Aquarius Age, devas and asuras of a side and to another churning of the ocean (the collective unconscious)...  But? Let was told that New Age bring Peace, Love, Light, Beings Evolved ... What happened? To understand it, I make reference to churning of the ocean (‎Kshir Sagar)...  to understand it, we have to refer to the vedic culture, to the myths of the oldest culture on the planet. Will have us enough time to sh...

Midheaven - Uranus in Cancer

MC is always the cusp (starting point) of the 10th House i n some House Systems .  Vedic Astrology use equal house division or bhava theory, Western Astrology especially uses the placidus house system… But its interpretations is same in all House Systems. Midheaven or 10th House reflects career, aspirations, public reputation, and life goals, also include status and how we want to be perceived in society and often brings about a sense of destiny.  The 10th House is the House of lordship, dignity and esteem. It is known as the apex of the horoscope, as it indicates man’s earthly achievements that are attained through name, fame, power, credit, success, conduct, status, rank, repute, authority and ambition. The Midheaven is the highest elevation point, of brightness, of the natal chart. It indicates where we are going (the IC from where we come), it is related to the projection, the position, the social destiny that can reach an individual...

Uranus in 4th House and The Liberator

Dr. Parvati Kumar says about Uranus In every field there is renaissance and there is revitalization, uplift of values, destruction of false values and a rapid development through successive crisis. This is all the stimulation of the energy of Uranus. Uranus in the Vedic terminology is called Varuna, Varuna is the lord of the West. “Uranus inaugurates long standing works in tune with the plan.”   Uranus planned immortality of human beings. I'll speak of Simon Bolivar "The Liberator" of America... BolĂ­var was born on 24 July 1783, in Caracas - Venezuela to 22:00 pm. Ascendant Aries (Mars in Domicile), Sun in Leo and Urano in 4th House in Cancer Sign. The 4th House rige the country, the national territory, but South America was divided under spanish rule.  Known as The Liberator (Uranus), was a Venezuelan military (Ascendant Aries/ Mars Domicile) and political leader who played a leading role in the establishment of Ve...

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