Indian Indenpendence - Birth Chart We need to have the birth data of that country, to make one forecast of differents social and economic events. The Indian Independence day was the 15th of August 1947 (12:00 midnight). The analysis, interpretations and forecast, I make about India, they are based on the horoscope of the birth of the Republic on August 15, 1947, at 00:00 hours in New Delhi. The Partition of British India on 14/15 August 1947 led to the creation of two sovereign states, both dominions: Pakistan (which later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and India (later the Republic of India). I share with you, the Birth Chart obtained through the web portal astrodienst , calculated under the tropical zodiac (Sayan System) and the house system (Placidus) popularly used by western astrologers and I share the Birth Chart calculated under the sidereal zodiac (Niryan System), with the house system (Whole Si...
Manglik don't affects only indians...
Manglik isn't a belief system...
Mars effects are also studied in a personal horoscope by the western system too...
When mars is in the houses (1, 2, 4, 7, 8 and 12), it's said that the person was born manglik.
It's also considered the sign where Mars is and the aspects (Yogas) that he forms with other planets...
When we download the small free report, we are told that our mangaldosha is mild, medium or tall.
If we know that we're manglik isn't enough. We need to know what degree of intensity mars has in the horoscope...
The manglik person suffers mangal's effects in a different, intimate and personal way... But there're also cases of mangliks men, who suffer strong struggles to support the family, economic difficulties, losses, accidents, enemy, etc. I will deliver numerous analyzes of public persons (men and women) born with Mangal Dosha.
The sidereal system and the tropical system vary in signs ... The difference between the sidereal zodiac and the tropical zodiac is around 24 °, bearing in mind that each sign has a validity of approximately 30 days, approximately 85% of people belong to another sign in the sidereal zodiac.
Both systems act because astrology is based on an absolutely mythical and symbolic system. Cosmic influencers act according to the level development of each person, for ordinary people, initiates and people in the path of self-recognition, the energies are expressed in a varied way.
Some astrologers agree that the tropical horoscope is what we have conscious, represents our matter (Animus) ... While the sidereal horoscope speaks to us of the spirit, the soul (Atma), of our spiritual journey (Anima).
The West and the East are like the husband and the wife ... Opposite but complementary worlds. Energies contrary, but complementary.
Mars in aspects of tension (quadrature) to the Sun, Venus, Mercury or Pluto acts in a negative, impulsive, precipitous and violent way, generating events or actions in two ways (Victim or offender).
The horoscope must be analyzed responsibly, because many are mangliks, but each case will be very particular.
Manglik is not a cultural influence ... It is an influence validated by many studies and research in the astrological field. But mangal affects more or less, according to the culture where we are born.
To be continue open the way!
Category: Western and Vedic Astrology, Mangal Dosha, Manglik, Mars Astrological House, Women and Men Manglik, Horoscope Mangal Dosha
Date: November 27, 2016
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