Indian Indenpendence - Birth Chart We need to have the birth data of that country, to make one forecast of differents social and economic events. The Indian Independence day was the 15th of August 1947 (12:00 midnight). The analysis, interpretations and forecast, I make about India, they are based on the horoscope of the birth of the Republic on August 15, 1947, at 00:00 hours in New Delhi. The Partition of British India on 14/15 August 1947 led to the creation of two sovereign states, both dominions: Pakistan (which later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and India (later the Republic of India). I share with you, the Birth Chart obtained through the web portal astrodienst , calculated under the tropical zodiac (Sayan System) and the house system (Placidus) popularly used by western astrologers and I share the Birth Chart calculated under the sidereal zodiac (Niryan System), with the house system (Whole Si...
Topics of Astrology and General Culture
Already began its tour in Leo the North Node, a rather important transit if we approach it from the perspective of a very particular birth chart, that of US President Donald Trump, a Leo ascendant man. the dragon’s head makes its entering to the royal sign of leo in conjunction with the ascendant and natal mars, in a moment of great tension and bellicosity in the international scenario that put at grave risk World peace. In this birth chart Mars (the god of war) rules precisely the 9th sector (foreign, international affairs), and it is well known the fiery, aggressive, provocative, impulsive and reckless mood of the American president.
A more worrying situation if we take in account that Mars now makes its way through its solar sign (Gemini), house 10 (a leadership and ruling position), And only God knows what plans and ideas he has in mind in connection with the military adventures and actions in which he has involved with the menacing war machine he has set in motion, and what untimely and dangerous decisions can be taken at any moment in that direction by this unpredictable man.
That transit of the North Node in Leo opens the door to an uncertain future in the coming months, and following the symbolism, raises a very timely question -always from the perspective of Donald Trump’s birth Chart-: ¿Which and how it will be that way ?
With these initial contacts of the North Node, it would seem very clear and definite, but we'll see ...
The Ascending Node intensifies and amplifies the characteristics of the planets and factors of the birth chart that it touches, so by continuing with the questions: ¿will we see president Trump from here on with more sureness and self-confidence, more egocentric, arrogant, haughty and proud, more energetic, brawny, aggressive and impetuous, as to lead him to make unthinking and irrational decisions that lead the world to a terrible catastrophe?.
Now, the Ascending Node, in a sense, is also a path, a way of learning, what we must develop, implying a whole challenge; In this case, traits or characteristics of the personality. In another, what we must correct or rectify.
In that sense, it would be desirable to take advantage of that influence on his natal Asc and Mars, to use in a positive, intelligent and constructive his creative and energetic potential to develop (an old parrot never learns to speak) a more humble, less egocentric, arrogant, aggressive and impulsive personality; Or that at least we should see him soon in less arrogant, proud, reckless, or violent attitudes.
Source: Topics of Astrology and General Culture
Topics of Astrology and General Culture
Already began its tour in Leo the North Node, a rather important transit if we approach it from the perspective of a very particular birth chart, that of US President Donald Trump, a Leo ascendant man. the dragon’s head makes its entering to the royal sign of leo in conjunction with the ascendant and natal mars, in a moment of great tension and bellicosity in the international scenario that put at grave risk World peace. In this birth chart Mars (the god of war) rules precisely the 9th sector (foreign, international affairs), and it is well known the fiery, aggressive, provocative, impulsive and reckless mood of the American president.
A more worrying situation if we take in account that Mars now makes its way through its solar sign (Gemini), house 10 (a leadership and ruling position), And only God knows what plans and ideas he has in mind in connection with the military adventures and actions in which he has involved with the menacing war machine he has set in motion, and what untimely and dangerous decisions can be taken at any moment in that direction by this unpredictable man.
That transit of the North Node in Leo opens the door to an uncertain future in the coming months, and following the symbolism, raises a very timely question -always from the perspective of Donald Trump’s birth Chart-: ¿Which and how it will be that way ?
With these initial contacts of the North Node, it would seem very clear and definite, but we'll see ...

The Ascending Node intensifies and amplifies the characteristics of the planets and factors of the birth chart that it touches, so by continuing with the questions: ¿will we see president Trump from here on with more sureness and self-confidence, more egocentric, arrogant, haughty and proud, more energetic, brawny, aggressive and impetuous, as to lead him to make unthinking and irrational decisions that lead the world to a terrible catastrophe?.
Now, the Ascending Node, in a sense, is also a path, a way of learning, what we must develop, implying a whole challenge; In this case, traits or characteristics of the personality. In another, what we must correct or rectify.
In that sense, it would be desirable to take advantage of that influence on his natal Asc and Mars, to use in a positive, intelligent and constructive his creative and energetic potential to develop (an old parrot never learns to speak) a more humble, less egocentric, arrogant, aggressive and impulsive personality; Or that at least we should see him soon in less arrogant, proud, reckless, or violent attitudes.
Source: Topics of Astrology and General Culture
Category: Western and Vedic Astrology, Donald Trump Horoscope, North Node in Leo, Mundane Astrology.
Date: April 28, 2017
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