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Indian Independence - Birth of Chart

Indian Indenpendence - Birth Chart We need to have the birth data of that country, to make one forecast of differents social and economic events. The Indian Independence day was the 15th of August 1947 (12:00 midnight).   The analysis, interpretations and forecast, I make about India, they are based on the horoscope of the birth of the Republic on August 15, 1947, at 00:00 hours in New Delhi.   The Partition of British India on 14/15 August 1947 led to the creation of two sovereign states, both dominions: Pakistan (which later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and India (later the Republic of India).  I share with you, the Birth Chart obtained through the web portal astrodienst , calculated under the tropical zodiac (Sayan System) and the house system (Placidus) popularly used by western astrologers and I share the Birth Chart calculated under the sidereal zodiac (Niryan System), with the house system (Whole Signs) and Ayanamsha H

Neptuno - the higher Spheres

birth of chart arijit singh, neptune horoscope, neptune zodiac signs, neptune trine sun, neptune pisces, western and vedic astrology, transpersonal planets
We remembered that generally the aspect of trine is given in signs of the same element in the classes of Integral Astrology of the past week... The trine is a facilitating, expansive and harmonic aspect associated with the energy of the great benefactor "Jupiter". Jupiter is the classic ruler of Pisces, a sign that governs the great sensitivity that can have every human being; is said to be a mute sign... mute? I prefer to say that it is a silent sign, because only through silence is able to perceive the sound of the high spheres, so Pisces is associated with music, just the sign where Venus exalts... Precisely Venus is the Lord of Taurus, which is associated with the vocal cords, so it's not strange that people born with prominent Venus or the Sun in Taurus enjoy great artistic abilities related to the voice and the hear... Both senses united by the same energy. But, what happen with Neptune? Precisely the modern planet regent of piscis associated to the music of the high spheres, to the seer - so much that its energy remained hidden and was only recognized by great ones initiates-... Neptune is the planet that hypnotizes and manages to penetrate the souls through illusion, dream, beauty, sublime love and music ... Venus is the higher octave of Uranus and Neptune, although it is believed that Mercury also takes the place of higher octave of Neptune. In any case, many are the indicators of artistic qualities in a natal chart, but, I highlight an expansive and harmonious aspect in the horoscope of Arijit Singh...
Arijit was born with the Sun in Taurus (decanate of Venus) in trine to Neptune, but I always take into account the sources, so Wikipedia says everything I need to take into account to describe this sacred aspect with which this talented young indian was born. -
birth of chart arijit singh, neptune horoscope, neptune zodiac signs, neptune trine sun, neptune pisces, western and vedic astrology, transpersonal planets
Arijit is regarded as one of the most versatile and successful singers in the history of Indian Music and Hindi Cinema. His voice is been described as a voice that penetrates the soul and creates a sense of blissful relaxation. He is applauded and praised for his art of giving "emotions and soul to lyrics" through his vocals. Arijit's voice and singing is been loved by the Indian music lovers, and it is said that it mesmerizes and soothes the soul of listeners. He is known for being shy and often stays away from limelight despite the fame and popularity that he enjoys in South Asia and amongst South Asian diaspora worldwide. Precisely shyness is a characteristic feature of Neptune, so in contact with the Natal Sol, is part of his personality. But Neptune is in the neglected sign Capricorn and:- During the early 2013, Singh appeared sporting a "long-haired and bearded look". He reasoned that he did not get time to "cut his hair or shave" when he is in Mumbai. I haven't cared about my image till date and I don't want to do anything about it. If you are doing shows you have to look good, not jazzy. It's just that I want to look as fresh as I can. I like jeans and shirts. I want to look like a musician more than a pop star. This only gives a more mystical aspect, key of renounce, simplicity and humility, equally characteristic of the same configuration. Orissa Mizar Category: Birth of Chart Arijit Singh, Sun trine Neptune, Sun Taurus, Neptune Capricorn, Vedic and Western Astrology, Astrology and Artist, Neptune Horoscope
birth of chart arijit singh, neptune horoscope, neptune zodiac signs, neptune trine sun, neptune pisces, western and vedic astrology, transpersonal planets

birth of chart arijit singh, neptune horoscope, neptune zodiac signs, neptune trine sun, neptune pisces, western and vedic astrology, transpersonal planets


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