Indian Indenpendence - Birth Chart We need to have the birth data of that country, to make one forecast of differents social and economic events. The Indian Independence day was the 15th of August 1947 (12:00 midnight). The analysis, interpretations and forecast, I make about India, they are based on the horoscope of the birth of the Republic on August 15, 1947, at 00:00 hours in New Delhi. The Partition of British India on 14/15 August 1947 led to the creation of two sovereign states, both dominions: Pakistan (which later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and India (later the Republic of India). I share with you, the Birth Chart obtained through the web portal astrodienst , calculated under the tropical zodiac (Sayan System) and the house system (Placidus) popularly used by western astrologers and I share the Birth Chart calculated under the sidereal zodiac (Niryan System), with the house system (Whole Si...
All the branches of astrology are of great importance, but one that we can never leave aside is mundane astrology, because, even as individuals, being part of a society, we will feel the effects, the results of the actions of that society and society will feels the effects, the results of our actions ... especially when we are public figures ...
A woman or man socially recognized for her involvement in religion, politics, science, economics, art, suffers the result of the actions of her native country, as the native country will suffer the results of the actions of such person.
Priyanka Chopra jumped to the international public palaestra, when she won the crown of the world queen in 2000, while Lady Luna and the despised Black Moon named Lilith were embraced in 9th house (-1ยบ orb - Conjunction)...
Although I have not explained the characteristics of Lilith extensively and I hope to do so gradually, Lilith represents among many things the intense and deep magical attraction full of passion that moves us, that we express or that others express towards us ...
Without a doubt, Priyanka is a woman beauty and a very particular physical attraction that has captivated a great national and international public, with an unusual magnetism that draws attention to both the Eastern and Western worlds. Time Magazine ranked Priyanka as one of the 100 most influential people on the planet in 2016.
For vedic astrology Priyanka was born with an sun unaspected, however, when observing its tropical horoscope, we find the black hand of another lord who fascinates to act in the dense, dark and low spheres, called Pluto; I have spoken frequently of Pluto, who Just as Shiva is consort of Sati, Pluto is of Lilith.
Configuration that added to some other astrological factors speaks of a professional career subject to controversies, critical moments, changing and with a very destructive trigger when of patterns, values and social principles is treated, since Priyanka was born with Lilith precisely in Capricorn, sign associated to the moral and ethical structures that govern a society, in the 8th House (change, transformation, crisis).
But today Lilith transits the characteristic sign associated with foreign, the spiritual and religious statutes that we must fulfill, by the sign Sagittarius...
And Mercury, oh the gossipy and cheating Mercury transits 12 th House, 3rd from 10th, which is associated with the publicity of his public and professional life ... by which the Indian corporative media, skillfully as mercury, projected the image of Chopra in swimsuit on the beautiful beaches of Miami, showing how to venus the beautiful figure of a goddess proudly India ...
Actually neither the western nor the eastern world is accustomed to seeing the beauty of an Indian woman, who is attached to her rules and social statutes, wearing dresses 4.5 meters to 8 meters of cloth ...
But what the media promoted with grace and was gladly received by society, became (pluto) in a few days a nightmare for the Young Actress and the Indian conservative society...
Pluto already has effects on the 9th House of Chopra and is a clear indicator of the power it has gained internationally throughout its career, but also indicates how dangerous it is to be part of two totally contrary cultures in the midst of large corporations dedicated to communication and to the IN-formation, that raise she to the high one day and in a week become her shreds and throw her to the lowest one.
Priyanka was exposed by the media wearing a bathing suit as a successful and free Western woman and a little later, exposed to public derision wearing a dress above the knee and crossing the legs, behavior not suitable according to the norms of society conservative india...
A woman who does not cross her legs in west when sitting down is considered rude and inappropriate. So the rules vary from one culture to another... But it also causes me curiosity, that even women who wear appropriate clothes in the society Indian conservative are besieged, raped and murdered without any kind of pity...
So I think, beyond the astrological, that the problem is not the dress, but the human consciousness sunk in ignorance and subject to the thinking imposed by the big corporate media of the New Age.
The public figures are a worm in the hook, the fish are the peoples and the profit is for the fisherman, fishermen of the New Age are the great corporate media and global elites that move the threads of the fate of all those who succumb to the 4 world powers.
Obviously when I speak of fishermen, I would have to refer to two additional planets (Uranus and Neptune) that influence this type of situation, but I will keep it for a future delivery.
Blessed Astrology!
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