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Indian Independence - Birth of Chart

Indian Indenpendence - Birth Chart We need to have the birth data of that country, to make one forecast of differents social and economic events. The Indian Independence day was the 15th of August 1947 (12:00 midnight).   The analysis, interpretations and forecast, I make about India, they are based on the horoscope of the birth of the Republic on August 15, 1947, at 00:00 hours in New Delhi.   The Partition of British India on 14/15 August 1947 led to the creation of two sovereign states, both dominions: Pakistan (which later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and India (later the Republic of India).  I share with you, the Birth Chart obtained through the web portal astrodienst , calculated under the tropical zodiac (Sayan System) and the house system (Placidus) popularly used by western astrologers and I share the Birth Chart calculated under the sidereal zodiac (Niryan System), with the house system (Whole Signs) and Ayanamsha H

Mercury in all Houses - July 25 - 2017

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Mercury go to its sign of domicile, will advance until the second decanate to begin its period of retrogradation as of August 12 ...
Mercury comes from his trine with Uranus and brings a lot of information, now we has to analyze, discern, clean, filter only the appropriate, discard what is not useful and digest the true food for our mind, our spirit and our physical body.
Virgo represents our hygiene, our health, our eating habits and all those habits that form our character through discernment, order and reason.
So, this time is appropriate to do our word ACTION, to cleanse our mind and even to perform any diet based on vegetables and fruits ... A healthy body helps us to purify and discipline our minds through different practices.
Remember that Mercury is transiting a Special House in the Horoscope ...mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 1st House, I am what I speak ... Let us take care of our words.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 2nd House, Money is an Energy, If we use Money with Wisdom, Riches will be like a torch that will illuminate our lives.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 3rd House, let us remember that the best words are those that are not said.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 4th House, let us can connect with our relatives, but especially with our ancestors, even if they are disembodied, we take the time to attain a transfer of information with them, clean and heal old past wounds.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 5th House, let us remember that our children do not do what they hear, but what they see; Order and planning in our projects is the only thing that guarantees success.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 6th House, let us order our work table, order our mind, simplify, synchronize time and space ... The Great Virtue Virgo is the detail, the Great Defect of Virgo is the detail. We balance.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 7th House, let us remember that the other is a projection of ourselves, we remember that the psychic transfer occurs in two ways, we are issuers and receivers of information ... Be careful what we let into our room. I will remember the experience of the Master Jesus with the man who was possessed by a demon.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury is in the 8th House, let us remember that the Word is also a visceral reaction and with Mars in the sign of Fire, our fiery word can hurt us and hurt others.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury is in the 9th House, let us remember that a well-trained mind is a shield in the midst of the strongest battles, success is not physical strength, but a well-trained mind.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury is in the 10th House, let us remember that a strong person is one who dominates his thoughts through a determined action. If our intention is clear, the top is our goal achieved.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 11th House, let us remember to keep the guardian (Mercury) awake ... Jesus tells us that one of the virgins fell asleep just when the husband arrived and was unable to attend his wedding ... Maintain the state of presence.
mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017
If Mercury transits the 12th House, let us remember that the greatest virtue is silence ...
*- Within the different branches of celestial science, there is one so-called "Elective Astrology", We Choose to use our Planetary Influences for our Transformation and Inner Growth.
*- The transit of Pluto into Capricorn helps us to transform all mental structures and be born again.
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mercury astrological houses 2017, horoscope august 2017, astrological prediction india, mercury zodiac signs, vedic astrology mercury retrograde, astrology india 2017


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