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Indian Independence - Birth of Chart

Indian Indenpendence - Birth Chart We need to have the birth data of that country, to make one forecast of differents social and economic events. The Indian Independence day was the 15th of August 1947 (12:00 midnight).   The analysis, interpretations and forecast, I make about India, they are based on the horoscope of the birth of the Republic on August 15, 1947, at 00:00 hours in New Delhi.   The Partition of British India on 14/15 August 1947 led to the creation of two sovereign states, both dominions: Pakistan (which later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh) and India (later the Republic of India).  I share with you, the Birth Chart obtained through the web portal astrodienst , calculated under the tropical zodiac (Sayan System) and the house system (Placidus) popularly used by western astrologers and I share the Birth Chart calculated under the sidereal zodiac (Niryan System), with the house system (Whole Si...

Solar Eclipse August 21 - America

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Solar Eclipses symbolically represent the brief moment of darkness that comes just before an important aspect of ourselves comes to light. In that instant our unconscious lunar emotions surface, obscuring our conscious solar light, thereby leaving us in darkness. All we can do is trust that something as yet unknown is emerging into light and consciousness, ready to be birthed in the weeks and months ahead. 
As this is an Total rather than a Annular Eclipse, we are likely don't to have some conscious awareness of what is surfacing.
The placement of the Eclipse in our Birth Chart by Sign, House and Aspect offers us some helpful information as to what this is. 
Next August 21 we will have a total eclipse, which makes it difficult to see what is emerging ...
An limited view, even astrologers also suffer the effects of the eclipse and I recommend not to make analysis during that week of August 21; I recommend not even make forecasts, many forecasts may be wrong ... 
eclipse 2017, total eclipse sun 2017, rahu leo 2017, rahu ketu, western and vedic astrology, free vedic astrology
But, of course consciousness is already veiled by the intention of material profit, but it is not good to expose public analysis or forecasts for that date.
Over the centuries the dimming of the light of the Sun has been viewed with some trepidation in many parts of the world. On a primal instinctual level, our survival feels understandably threatened when the light of the Sun is obscured. 
eclipse 2017, total eclipse sun 2017, rahu leo 2017, rahu ketu, western and vedic astrology, free vedic astrology
This means direct renaissance with the opening and closing of a cycle ... Something old dies and something new is born.
A solar eclipse occurs at the time of the new moon, when the sun and moon occupy the same degree of the zodiac. Having the sun and the moon in the same area of the chart suggests that the energy is amplified and addresses the issues governed by that house in the natal chart.
Each Eclipse has a ruler, the planet that governs the sign where the eclipse falls. If an eclipse occurs in Aries, Mars rules, if it is in Taurus, the ruler would be Venus, Gemini, Mercury, Cancer Moon, Virgo, Mercury rules, Libra Venus rules, Scorpio Pluto, Sagittarius Jupiter , Capricorn Saturn, Aquarius, Uranus and Pisces Neptune.
This eclipse will occur in Leo and its ruler is the Sun, affecting not only individually but in the collective, power personalities, business directors, leaders and rulers of nations...
In America there is talk of US military intervention to the country of black gold Venezuela.
Precisely President Donald Trump has Mars return to the Ascendant... An act of madness, Mars is Lord of Trump's 9th House and Trump feels energetic enough to start a performance Military abroad...
In the US Birth Chart, Mars is in Gemini (Trump) in the 7th House (Relations) Lord of the 4th House, a nation that has carried out military operations in many places. But in addition Natal Mars receives opposition from the transit of Saturn in conjunction with Lilith, the economy (Saturn Lord of 2nd House) of USA is wounded... US need to keep the paper tiger (Dolar), US need oil (Venezuela).
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, also with Mars of Return, will have the eclipse in the 2nd House (The National Economy)... Will a new cycle open in the battered venezuelan economy or will we continue to sink in constant devaluation and economic war (Mars)?
In the Birth Chart of Venezuela, the eclipse will be joint to the MC (the national government) ... The socialist government will succumb to US pressures or a new stage will open with the newly elected Constituent?
But let's observe the neighbors, who being neighbors contribute with the fall of the sister nation ...-
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was born with the conjunction of Sol Pluto in the 3rd House (Neighbors) in trine to Jupiter, which indicates his great personal power, his capacity and communicational ability and his obsessive interest in the sister nation... Santos will have the eclipse on Sun Conjunction Pluto, the Lord Nobel Peace Prize 2016.
eclipse 2017, total eclipse sun 2017, rahu leo 2017, rahu ketu, western and vedic astrology, free vedic astrology
In the Birth Chart of Colombia the eclipse also falls in the 3rd House (Neighbors), without affecting any planet by conjunction...
Everything indicates that the Bolivar homeland is waging a New Battle... Bolivar 200 years ago gave freedom to Latin America... Venezuela opened for 60 years the doors to foreigner post war product: Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Spain, Italy , Portugal, China and Colombia ... Today the sons of Bolivar leave their country to seek new horizons, a mother who shelters them, but little shelter they find...
America is fighting a continuous battle since Bolivar and Santander... 200 years after Freedom as a sovereign nation we are facing the two models (circular time) the glorious MODEL LIBERTARIAN of Bolivar and the degenerate model of Santander.
It is a moment in which, it is necessary to pray to God of the Universe to intervene in this battle, before America fills with Blood as the Middle East...
But Satyagraha (the Power of Truth) sustains Bolivar's homeland ...
In any sense, the total phase of this total solar eclipse will be visible from a narrow path spanning all across the USA from the West Coast to the East Coast.
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eclipse 2017, total eclipse sun 2017, rahu leo 2017, rahu ketu, western and vedic astrology, free vedic astrology

eclipse 2017, total eclipse sun 2017, rahu leo 2017, rahu ketu, western and vedic astrology, free vedic astrology

eclipse 2017, total eclipse sun 2017, rahu leo 2017, rahu ketu, western and vedic astrology, free vedic astrology


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