Pets are a 6th House affair; It's the House ruled by Virgo in the Fixed Zodiac. The Regency of the planet Chiron has been assigned to Virgo, because Virgo represents helpful people, those who are dedicated to cultivating knowledge and then sharing it with the humanity, those who suffer from any disease become doctors to heal their own wounds and also heal the wounds of others. For this reason, the places where the surgeries are performed, are called "Chirophane" (Chiron), a word of greek origin that means operating room.
Chiron is also related to palmistry (also called Chiromancy) and basically Chiron is the Essential Signifier of the Hands, since the healing is in our hands. If we hug or caress a sick person, he will automatically begin to feel better.
It's true, Kali Yuga is the Age where everything has degenerated and anti-values dominate society: betrayal, disloyalty, lies, the word of man has no value, signed documents are needed, for that reason banks ask for filmed documents to grant credit, because the man has forgotten the value of the word and lacks credit, that is, credibility.
Today, the Planet Chiron transits the Sign Aries, a sign ruled by Mars that is associated with sharp weapons, knives, swords and all cutting instruments. Chiron was wounded with a poisoned arrow. He was never able to heal his wound and negotiated his immortality with the God Prometheus. Prometheus is associated with promises, especially those promises that are associated with the Divine, because he represents the bridge unites human beings with the Divine, Prometheus represents the light brought from the highest that ignites our lives.
So my recommendation for the children of Virgo, ruled by the Planet Chiron, is that they always have a pet, so they can heal the wounds on their back, "those wounds" that their friends, filial persons or loved persons cause with poisoned arrows or daggers (Betrayal).
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